How To Approach A Chinese Woman You Don’t Know!

If you’re reading this article, it’s apparently because you’ve found it more complicated than you considered to be able to approach Chinese girls, or you’re looking to find out if there are any major variations in how to first date Chinese women as opposed to a western lady; you may also be admiring if there are any special techniques you should use when comparing Chinese girls that can help you. By the end of this article, I can assure you will have a new skill set that operates all the time!
Let’s say there is a particular Chinese girl you previously have in mind. If not, find one (not this minute, finish the article first!). Now, I’m guessing she doesn’t know you like her, but no matter what she does, we’re going to work it on the back-foot to chat.
First, I want you to find an honestly good reason to talk to her. This reason could simply be inviting her to find a place you are looking for or some issue you think she will know the reply to. It might be trustworthy that you need that statement at the time, but steer well open to asking her something about Chinese society as if she is born in the West. She has reasonably had sufficient hearing about Chinese culture from her family!
OK, so you’ve asked her the question and positively, she has provided you some form of an explanation, one way or the other. Thank her and say goodbye. Yep, that’s right. Just walk off. Now, what you’ve done here is first, you haven’t really hit on her. You asked a question. Secondly, even if she considered you were going on here, you have now denied that by saying goodbye and walking off. This will give her a bit complex for sure, but what we are doing is raising mystery and anxiety. She will remember you for that. So let’s move onto the next level.
Of course, this Chinese brides is one you often see around somewhere, maybe at school, walking the same way to work every day, no matter where you can be sure you will see her repeat at some case. The next time you see her, I want you to say ‘hi’ and go about your company unless she provides you a wide smile. In that case, comment on something kind, don’t even ask her her name, wait for her to ask, if she laughed at you, she would be soon sufficient. Otherwise, say ‘hi’ and keep walking.
And now we get to the next step. The third time you see her, she will really feel she recognizes you to a point, even though she doesn’t really (this is a small mental trick of the mind).
This is when you are going to talk to her more when you get her eye, and all I want you to do is answer something along with the words of “you know I should confess, this is the third time we have met, and I kinda feel I know you, but I didn’t even tell you what my name is, it’s…………….” Then wait, she will tell you hers, don’t ask, let her tell you and keep the discussion going a minute or so before starting again.
These basic steps really work well with Chinese females. I should know as I use them all the time! Try them out today and you’ll see. Also, for more special dating tips and tactics with Chinese girls and more information on how to tell if a Chinese woman likes you and find out 7 crucial secrets you must know before dating or marrying a Chinese girl!