As a Salesperson Here Are Some Tips For Selling Solar Panel Installation

As a Salesperson Here Are Some Tips For Selling Solar Panel Installation

Solar panels are some of the most sought-after applications in many commercial and residential buildings nowadays. There is a good reason for this, and besides them being a cost-saving addition to any property, they are also environmentally friendly and do not use up as much electricity from power grids as normal connectivity does.

These panels, when used, do not pollute our atmosphere with common greenhouse gases. They also do not produce any harmful gas or emissions into the air, making them some of the safest and most eco-friendly solutions to green energy in any part of the world.

As per the renewable energy hub website, there are newer and more innovative technologies being produced in these sectors and the rates of efficiency are much higher now in comparison to when this idea first came about. This has been resulting in reducing our carbon footprint on the world and this is great news for everyone.

With this ever-changing modernization and improvements on this solar panel technology, many home and business owners want something better than their last one, or better than their neighbor one, and manufacturers have been kept busy for the most part. However, with the making of these technologies comes the selling and marketing of them too.

Below, we look at a few ways that you, as a salesperson or vendor, investing in these panels, should do to be able to get the right ones in the right hands, so everyone is a winner.


Things to Keep in Mind When Selling Solar Panel Installation

Anyone who has ever watched any salesperson talk is left in awe of their speech and their words, even when they sell something as simple as a pen. A good salesperson needs to have a certain ‘Je ne sais quoi’ as the French put it. This means they have a few qualities in them that are hard to describe, yet desirable.

If you, too, want that, then there are a few things you can do to make it happen. Some of these include:

Taking the Initiative: Any great salesperson will tell you, that without enthusiasm and ambition, nothing is worth the time. Especially not when selling something as competitive and rewarding as solar panels. Work on these and half the job is done.

The Ability to Communicate: As a salesperson, the first thing you do when you open your mouth is to efficiently communicate to your audience.

When you’re sitting in a meeting with the managing director of a company and he is interested in buying a panel often, you will need to explain them to him or her, as not everyone knows the technology behind it, let alone their various benefits, as listed here: and explaining things to people in the simplest way makes for a great sales pitch.

Don’t Just Talk, But Listen: Another important factor is to listen. Customers will tell you what they’re looking for and you need to listen and pay careful attention to them so that you can explain to them if what you are offering is what they want exactly. It’s all about their needs and meeting them.

Have Patience: Not many people get the opportunity to sell solar panels or the technology thereof. Not to mention not many people know how to do it right. First of all, you should know both the ins and outs of the product, the manufacturer and every small detail associated with them.

Then once you’ve given your pitch, you need to wait for your potential prospects to decide. Many companies offer an even better solution by showing their clients what it would look like in a virtual space using their software technologies, much like how architects use AUTOCAD. Show them a demo of how the panels would be installed and what the result will look like.

Clients want to see numbers and the best proof is in showing them to them. When they get to see what it could look like with their own eyes, it is more convincing, than words. Proposals that are built to specifications before you offer your pitch, end up selling more.

Only a few solar software and design companies can pull off a custom proposal meant for specific industries and decision-makers. In this industry, there is no one-size-fits-all, so juxtaposing the software into a program that offers different Ariel views and integrations with outside sources such as Google Maps or Bing, can far accelerate your rate of sales, in comparison to the ‘death by PowerPoint’ concept many salespeople do.

It’s All in The Details: On the back of the above point, another great thing to keep in mind is to make sure you do your homework about the people you will be pitching to, beforehand. Gather some information about them, who they are, what is their title, what have been their achievements, and how significant a role they play in the decision-making processes.

Don’t stalk them but do find out if they are a family man or woman, and if they have kids, and perhaps if their birthdays are visible online, on their company or social media profiles, send them a birthday card or anniversary card to show you care. But always be genuine about it.

Besides the Obvious

Besides the above obvious pointers, there are other soft skills that you should be practicing to be successful at pitching to clients. These include confidence in your abilities, empathy for the people whom you speak to, adaptability and flexibility in the event of any changes, and of course a little sprinkle of charm doesn’t hurt anyone.

Most of all, love what you do and it will show!
