The 4 Main Uses of Computer and Internet

The 4 Main Uses of Computer and Internet

In this article I will discuss the 4 main uses of computer and internet. As the network has revolutionized the way in which we live every day, it is normal for people to be connected all the time through a device such as a computer, the mobile phone being the most used. Today’s society has become a digitized civilization, dependent on all kinds of services and functions that have to do with the internet. In fact, today people spend more time online than in the last 5 years. This year, the growth in the number of internet users, between January 2019 and January 2020, increased by 298 million, that is, 7% more than the previous year.” And every year more and more people gain access to the network permanently. As the network has revolutionized the way in which we live every day, it is normal for people to be connected all the time through a device such as a computer, the mobile phone being the most used. According to Saeed Developer with this in mind, these are the 4 main uses of computer and the internet has for people:

1.Social networks and Instant Messaging

With the emergence of the Internet, new forms of communication more efficient than the traditional ones appeared. Thanks to platforms such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, it is possible to interact with people from all over the world, in any language and on various topics. It is already common for large media such as newspapers and magazines to use their profiles to communicate more directly with their audience, or for companies to use their social media to inform potential customers about their offers and new products. In addition, instant messaging applications also play the role of facilitating interaction between individuals and companies. For example, almost all companies have a customer service such as MADPCB that have contact us page to make inquiries and quotes.

2- Online recreation on the internet

 It is possible to do many things; it not only works to communicate with everyone. Thanks to platforms such as YouTube, Netflix or Spotify, you can watch videos, movies or listen to music in a personalized way, either from your mobile, TV or computer. Many people even use the internet to enter online gambling sites. There are websites like Casinoble where you can find these platforms. By creating an account you can try the different games and interact with other people while you earn a little money in the process. On the other hand, there are titles such as World of Warcraft, Lineage II, Dota II or League of Legends that require the internet to be able to be played and are an inexhaustible source of recreation.

3- Research

The most important use of the network is to obtain information. Thanks to the digital age, anyone can find data on any subject that they do not know or need to reinforce. Browsers such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox include search engines through which keywords are written to find the page with the content that is being searched for. Through them it is possible to find information in any language, updated or old. Data that was once difficult to find is now available to everyone in just a few clicks.

 4- Online shopping

Finally, there are online shopping. Every day millions of dollars move in transactions around the world, and thanks to the Internet, consumers can purchase their products or services from any country. Nowadays it is very common to meet people who wear clothes bought in China and live in Spain; Or maybe they bought a phone in the US and live in Argentina. Location is no longer an impediment since the network, online stores and payment platforms such as Paypal facilitate the entire process. Some of these stores are Amazon, Ebay, TiendaMía or Grabr. They are very intuitive and ship to a large number of countries.
