How Facebook can help promote your YouTube Videos

How Facebook can help promote your YouTube Videos

If you’re not yet setting up an account on Facebook for your business, this is the perfect time to get one up. It will help boost the number of page views and views of YouTube videos.

According to YouTube, more than 500 years of YouTube video content is watched on Facebook each day. 40% of those who enjoy these videos share the video link with their Facebook friends. It’s easy to advertise the popularity of your YouTube channel’s content via Facebook by announcing the latest YouTube videos via your Facebook page and offering a link directly to your YouTube channel. Additionally, you can embed your most recent YouTube videos on your Facebook page to view them on Facebook. In addition, you can also use paid Facebook advertisements to draw potential viewers to the YouTube channel (or an individual video) and increase your popularity on Facebook.

The process of creating a Facebook page for your company is entirely free. To create a custom Facebook profile for your company, follow the step-by-step procedure that GoViral has outlined for you.

What’s lovely about Facebook is that it allows you to:

  • Change the look of your page and include custom banner artwork and your logo.
  • Connect the Facebook page to the rest of your web-based activities, like your company’s website as well as your YouTube channel.
  • Take advantage of Facebook’s over 200 billion daily active users across the globe and still cater to a particular segment of users.
  • Set up an online social network where you can engage in informal conversations with your potential and current customers and customers. Members can engage with one another in moderated discussions that revolve around your product or service.
  • Utilize paid Facebook advertisements to draw followers on your Facebook page while also advertising your YouTube channel’s content and thereby rapidly increasing your audience and following.

A Facebook page lets you connect with your followers through text, graphics, videos, images, and other media content; however, it does not require technical or graphic design expertise to create and manage. A company-focused Facebook page functions as an individual Facebook page, with some extra options and options. There’s also an official Facebook mobile application called Facebook Pages Manager, which can manage your business’s Facebook page from anywhere via a smartphone connected to the internet or tablet. On a computer, you can establish and work your company’s Facebook page with any browser by visiting the Facebook website.

It is possible to use Facebook pages to tell the company’s story and personalize your business by showcasing its products and services and interacting with customers/clients who are already there and make use of it as an effective soft-sell or promotional tool to attract new customers or clients to share information; increase sales and create brand loyalty for your company as well as its brand and products and services. The most effective way to utilize Facebook is to create an engaging community rather than sending out messages or content that your followers can read or watch.

Before you create the Facebook page for your business, look at other Facebook profiles of similar firms to observe how they’ve structured their page, as well as what it’s utilized for, and see how other businesses are engaging through their page’s followers and customers. Find out the possibilities. And, as you did with YouTube, for your YouTube channel, develop the specific strategy for the way you’ll utilize your company’s Facebook page. Create a general list of goals for the page and an action plan to be able to achieve these goals.

Be sure that your Facebook page’s branding is in a manner that’s in line with your site, YouTube channel, and other online presences. Also, ensure that you include your contact information for your company prominently. After your page is up and running, promote your Facebook page cross-promotionally alongside your site, YouTube channel, Twitter feed, Instagram feed, and other social media profiles. While specific content could (and should) be shared, you should provide at least some explicit content for each platform, providing users with an incentive to follow your company across multiple social media channels.

Remember that running an organization-focused Facebook page takes time. It will take time to create the page, create, and personalize your profile on Facebook Then; you’ll need to commit time regularly to keep the page updated with fresh content as well as manage comments from the general public, moderate comments and posts made by other people as well as interact in a meaningful way with Facebook followers. These interactions will help you establish a relationship but is likely to be the most demanding, as prompt and personal responses to questions and comments will be expected.

Do not just create your Facebook page only to close it and allow your followers and users to communicate freely in an unsupervised forum. This will give those who visit it an impression of being treated as if you do not care about the people who see it or your content. However, it can quickly result in misinformation or harmful content being posted about your company or its products and services. The users who visit the page could post details that may be incorrect or not, and there will not be any representatives from your company editing or modifying what’s posted on this public forum.

Be aware that anything posted on Facebook and in the Facebook page profile is searchable. Therefore, if someone performs a Facebook search or Google search on your business or the products/services it offers and comes upon negative posts posted by your Facebook page, no one within your organization is in charge of moderating the content.


Ranny Watson